The Council is looking for your thoughts on the possible introduction of a new regulatory licensing scheme for private rented housing.
The Council has already been operating what is called a ‘selective licensing’ scheme in Beeston since 2020, but the Council is now considering plans for a new and expanded scheme.
Inspections of properties in the existing scheme found that 85% were not compliant, either with licence conditions and/or property standards, and required landlords to undertake work.
The Council is therefore proposing a new scheme to ensure work continues to improve the housing stock in Beeston, but also to extend it to other areas of the ward and wide city.
We lobbied very hard for Hunslet to also be included in the new scheme due to the significant number of former right-to-buy properties within Leeds Housing managed estates which are now let out rather then owner occupied and ongoing reports from tenants of poor conditions, safety issues and other concerns.
We are glad this has been taken on board and is part of the new proposed scheme.
You can provide your feedback here: