Cllr Nash, Iqbal and myself are aware of the ongoing issues of late night parties happening on a Sunday evening on Hunslet Moor. The latest update we have from the Leeds Antisocial Behaviour Team is below:
The events seemed to have started around the Euros and started as community event on a Sunday as a football tournament. The event is been advertised on social media informally with no way of tracing the organiser of the event. However, officer having spoken with the residents who feel their maybe a local church connection staff have written to the local churches nearby to investigate if they have any information.
LASBT have been working with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team, PCSOs and LCC Out of Hours Officers. Both PCSOs and Out of Hours officer have visited the park over the last three weekends and have provided reports of the findings. Unfortunately, the reports do not show evidence of severe ASB. However, the proactive monitoring of the park will continue and should the intel from the reports change.
As local Councillors we appricate no criminality is taking place and that the public have a right of assembly as long as the crowds remain under a certain size and no licensable activity is taking place. But we are still concerned about the late-night music due to the sensitive nature of the nearby residential properties and have are therefore not happy with the LASBT response to address this.
We will be having further conversations with officers this week.
Information on how to make a noise complaint can be found at