Its been a busy few week and I haven’t posted about everything I have done. Here is a quick round up of what I haven't mentioned already.
On Wednesday 30th, I attended the Food Co. community meal at St Luke Church. This is a free community meal every Wednesday, starting at 6pm. It was good to talk to local people about issues and they had and ideas for the area.
On Thursday 31st, I chaired the South and West Plans Panel and attended the related site visits.
On Friday 1st I visited he new exhibition opening at Basement Arts Project.
On Monday 4th, I had a meeting with other councillors about the City Centre and what some of our priorities are. I focused on what needs to do to improve facilities for residents and on how we reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.
After this, I attended a meeting at Hunslet Carr Primary School to look at the priorities for the headteacher over the next year.
I also attended the Involve Leeds Trustee board meeting and had an update on the use of the building and our future plans.
On Tuesday 5th, I attended the Development Plans Panel where we looked at the Leeds Local Plan 2024 update and had a workshop on housing numbers.
I raised the need for more detailed area-by-area breakdown and asked what can be done in policy terms to encourage gentle intensification to get more affordable housing in the areas people needed it. I also asked question how we define a location as “walkable” and to ensure that takes account of those with poor mobility and the needs to have more seating to allow resting spots.
Today, I attended the Third Sector Leeds – South Leeds meeting and talked about the importance of the sector and the challenges ahead for it, the public sector and community integration.
This is all in addition to the other things I have already mention and working on resident casework.